Forum - Questions & Answers

Sep 9th, 2015 - tcrimi 1 

billing for a crna in CT

Can an anesthesia group bill for a CRNA in CT if the anesthesiologist was not present at the time of an office sedation procedure done by a surgeon

Sep 9th, 2015 - lmckenna 19 

re: billing for a crna in CT

A CRNA can bill without medical supervision by appending modifier QZ under their own NPI unless, there is an LCD that says otherwise for the procedural CPT®. Also, if your provider is using MAC (monitored anesthesia care) you'll also append modifier QS

Sep 10th, 2015 - tcrimi 1 

re: billing for a crna in CT

Can we bill under our NPI and can we classify him as a locum tenum since we used him for only 2 days work so far does he have to be credentialed with our carriers or just within our group

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