Forum - Questions & Answers
E&M services within the 90 day global period in dialysis access creation and maturation: Part 3
Question: After a procedure is performed for creation of dialysis access and a follow-upexamination determines that the access is ready to be released, can a E&M service with supporting ultrasound be billed within the 90 global period documenting that examination plus a 30 minute session in which the patient is educated regarding use of the access, the "Warning signs" to be aware of indicating the need for consultation or intervention (with review of the "Warning signs" handout), and discussion of the usual remedy (endovascular intervention) with a description of the process, risks and potential complications (a three page handout). We also provide a diagram of the fistula on a 8 by 11 glossy picture of the arm with measurements and instructions for cannulation of that specific fistula. If so, would it be billed with 24 modifier or 79 modifier, both, or something else?