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Jan 22nd, 2015 - sbarning 1 

Coding multiple excision from one lid

I need help coding excision of 4 lesions from the left lower lid. In the past I sometimes get paid for 2 using modifier 59, the others are denied as dulpicate.

Jan 22nd, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS 250 

re: Coding multiple excision from one lid

What CPT® codes are you using?

Jan 22nd, 2015 - sbarning 1 

re: Coding multiple excision from one lid

67840 only with E2 with 51/59 Mod. This is my dr's note: Patient was prepped and draped in the normal sterile manner. Patient received less than one cc of 2% Xylocaine with epinephrine. I excised 4 tumors form the left lower lid. Bleeding was controlled with bipolar cautery. The wounds were repaired
with 6-0 silk sutures.

Jan 22nd, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS 250 

re: Coding multiple excision from one lid

Look at codes 11640-11646- each tumor he removes has to be measured. Tell him/her they need to clarify in his documentation.

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