Forum - Questions & Answers
Jul 22nd, 2016 - DEBBJACKSON
Getting Paid for Office Visits and injections
I had a patient to come in for a UTI, she had a urinalysis and rocephin 500 mg.
Can we get paid for 99213-25, j0696-59 and 81002-QW with DX N39.0?
Jul 22nd, 2016 - rphelps 615 1
re: Getting Paid for Office Visits and injections
No 59 needed on J0696.
Aug 4th, 2016 - zavalag 3
re: Getting Paid for Office Visits and injections
you didn't list it, but just in case you are not billing... you can charge for the administration of drug as well. Extra revenue that is allowed to be billed.