Forum - Questions & Answers
CPT® 92502
I have a question regarding the billing of CPT® 92502. We are billing this CPT® on our physician's professional claim. He did the procedure in an ambulatory surgical center. Per his op note he did remove an old myringotomy tube along with some cerumen from the EXTERNAL AUDITORY CANAL in both ears. The tubes were not removed from the membrane. The ASC is having trouble getting paid on their claim. They are saying 92502 is wrong and not billable in an ASC. They are suggesting we change our CPT® to 69424. Can you help advise on this topic at all?
Thank you!
re: CPT® 92502
Was a microscope used? If so 92504 would work.
re: CPT® 92502
The ASC should code as they see fit and you code as you see fit. They are under no obligation to use the same code you used.