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Apr 16th, 2015 - zavalag 3 

Inpatient Patient Status Seen in Physicians Office

Can a provider bill and if so what would be the POS?

A group of physicians have an office (in the professional building) that is attached to the hospital. They would like some of the patients that are inpatient at the hospital to be brought over for a consult or some type of treatment at their office. (I'm not exactly sure why the doctor doesn't round on them in their room).

I need confirmation if it is okay that the doctor is using inpatient codes, and and inpatient palce of service for these patients?

Apr 16th, 2015 - dsteed   141 

re: Inpatient Patient Status Seen in Physicians Office

A hospital that has a patient as inpatient status has responsibility for that patient during the stay, as well as being held to Joint Commission and other regulatory agency requirements. I assume the physicians have not discussed this with hospital administration, who would likely need to agree to this arrangement. What is the reason they cannot see the patient on the unit, and if the patient can go to the office, do they truly meet inpatient criteria for admission?

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