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Sep 3rd, 2014 - Poke7

CPT® 96372

confused on this. we were told only to use CPT® 96372 for injections when the nurse saw the patient and not for an office visit with the physician. Can someone tell me where to get information showing me how code should be used?

Sep 3rd, 2014 - judymo 2 

re: CPT® 96372

Our office bills an office visit for the physician using a 25 modifier (who usually will order the injection) then we bill the 96372 and our injection code. Our doctor is the rendering for the entire visit.

Sep 3rd, 2014 - Billingexperts 7 

re: CPT® 96372

Are the diagnosis codes only for the injection? The reason I ask is it helps if you use your pointer diagnosis to another dx in your list for the office visit. Then the insurance has no choice but to pay it all and not bundle it. If the office visit is for one dx and the injection is for another dx. Make sense?

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