Emergency Medicine - Articles

Significant Changes to Emergency Department E/M Reporting Coming in 2023
October 24th, 2022 - Aimee Wilcox
In just a few short months, major revisions to the remaining Evaluation and Management categories in the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code book will go into effect. How many of these changes will affect your organization and how ready are you for them? While the changes to the remaining E/M categories will closely resemble the 2021 changes to the E/M Office and Other Outpatient (99202-99215) codes, there are some major differences that need to be carefully reviewed, such as how E/M will change for the Emergency Department services.
Modifier 50 — Four "Must Know" Tips For Getting Paid
August 10th, 2020 - Aimee Wilcox, CPMA, CCS-P, CST, MA, MT, Director of Content
Modifiers added to an HCPCS or CPT© code alters the code description, providing clarity about the service for proper claim processing and reimbursement. Here are four things you must know about modifier 50 to ensure proper payment. - Modifiers are either informational or payment related. Informational modifiers provide additional...
Are NCCI Edits Just for Medicare?
July 14th, 2020 - Christine Woolstenhulme, QCC, QMCS, CPC, CMRS
The National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits were developed by CMS to help promote proper coding and control improper coding that leads to incorrect payments with part B claims. It is important to understand that NCCI edits do not include every possible code combination or every type of un-bundling combination. With that ...
New CPT® Codes Approved for COVID-19 Antibody Identification
April 15th, 2020 - Aimee Wilcox, CPMA, CCS-P, CST, MA, MT, Director of Content
On April 10, 2020, the American Medical Association approved and published a revision of code 86318 and added two new codes 86328 and 86769 for reporting Coronavirus [COVID-19] antibody testing.
A 2020 Radiology Coding Change You Need To Know
February 10th, 2020 - Aimee Wilcox, CPMA, CCS-P, CST, MA, MT, Director of Content
The radiology section of the 2020 CPT© has 1 new, 18 revised, and 14 deleted codes. Interestingly, six of the 14 deleted codes were specific to reporting single-photon computerized tomographic (SPECT) imaging services of the brain, heart, liver, bladder, and others. If your organization reports radiology services, it is...
Reporting the Health Effects of Vaping Now and in April 2020
December 19th, 2019 - Wyn Staheli, Director of Research
To report vaping related conditions/disorders, use the official CDC guidelines to ensure proper documentation of vaping related health conditions. There is also a new code that will become effective April 1, 2020.
The Facts of Critical Care
July 19th, 2019 - Namas
Critical care services remain to not only be an area of confusion for providers, coders, and auditors, but also a constant target for the carriers for audit. We can sit back and look at critical care and think of all of the ways the code descriptor and/or use could be ...
5 Ways to Minimize HIPAA Liabilities
July 12th, 2019 - BC Advantage
Last year was historic for HIPAA enforcement. The HHS Office of Civil Rights collected a record $23.5 million in settlements and judgments against providers guilty of HIPAA violations. To avoid becoming part of that unwanted statistic, it’s important to pay extra close attention to five key areas of HIPAA vulnerability. Take ...
Auditing Hospitalist Services
May 31st, 2019 - Namas
Auditing Hospitalist Services The inpatient side of coding and auditing can be enormously complex, with many more moving parts than are typically found in the outpatient setting. In this audit tip, we will discuss a few of the challenges that come with auditing one of the most important players in the ...
Coverage for Hearing Aids and Auditory Implants
April 23rd, 2019 - Brandon Dee Leavitt QCC, CMCS, CPC, EMT
For hearing impairment, Medicare is firm in its stance on when it will and will not cover hearing correction. In the PUB 100-02 Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 16, Medicare cites the Social Security Act by explaining:  "..."hearing aids or examination for the purpose of prescribing, fitting, or changing hearing aids" ...
Answers to Your Auditing & Compliance Questions
March 4th, 2019 - Namas
National Alliance of Medical Auditing Specialists (NAMAS) hosts a forum where auditing and compliance professionals can get answers to their questions, and exchange information with other professionals across the country. Recently, we've received the following question regarding fracture care that we'd like to share below. Q: I recently noticed CPT 26600, ...
Home Oxygen Therapy
January 22nd, 2019 - Raquel Shumway
Home Oxygen Therapy Guidelines
Home Oxygen Therapy -- CMN for Oxygen
June 14th, 2018 - Raquel Shumway
The Certificate of Medical Necessity (CMN) for Oxygen is a required form that helps to document the medical necessity for oxygen therapy. It also documents other coverage criteria for the oxygen use. For payment on a home oxygen claim, the information in the supplier’s records or the patient’s medical record must be substantiated with the information in the CMN.
Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization Programs
January 25th, 2018 - Wyn Staheli, Director of Research
Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHPs) are a more comprehensive level of care than Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOPs - click here to read more about IOPs). When the patient requires a minimum of 20 hours per week and hospitalization is not clinically indicated, a PHP can be the most effective type of ...
Preventative Services: Ultrasound Screening for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
January 11th, 2018 - Find-A-Code
The following information from the Medicare Learning Network provides guidance on Ultrasound Screening for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
PFSH Documentation: Q and A
October 20th, 2017 - Shannon DeConda, CPC, CPC-I, CEMC, CEMA, CPMA, CRTT
When coding an E/M visit in the emergency department, would you count all PFSH listed even if they don't pertain to the indication as to why the patient arrived?
Clinical Scenario for Coding with ICD-10-CM: Abdominal Pain
January 31st, 2017 - Chris Woolstenhulme, CPC, CMRS
Chief Complaint • “My stomach hurts and I feel full of gas.” History • 47 year old male with mid-abdominal epigastric pain, associated with severe nausea & vomiting; unable to keep down any food or liquid. Pain has become “severe” and constant. • Has had an estimated 13 pound weight loss over the past ...

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