Pediatrics - Articles

HHS Leaders Urge States to Maximize Efforts to Support Children’s Mental Health
July 14th, 2022 - SAMSHA Newsroom
Today, agencies across the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a joint letter to states, tribes, and jurisdictions encouraging them to prioritize and maximize their efforts to strengthen children’s mental health and well-being. The letter, signed by leaders of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), and the Administration for Community Living (ACL), outlines HHS’ plans to support and facilitate state-level coordination across federal funding streams to advance and expand mental health services for children.
Modifier 50 — Four "Must Know" Tips For Getting Paid
August 10th, 2020 - Aimee Wilcox, CPMA, CCS-P, CST, MA, MT, Director of Content
Modifiers added to an HCPCS or CPT© code alters the code description, providing clarity about the service for proper claim processing and reimbursement. Here are four things you must know about modifier 50 to ensure proper payment. - Modifiers are either informational or payment related. Informational modifiers provide additional...
Are NCCI Edits Just for Medicare?
July 14th, 2020 - Christine Woolstenhulme, QCC, QMCS, CPC, CMRS
The National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits were developed by CMS to help promote proper coding and control improper coding that leads to incorrect payments with part B claims. It is important to understand that NCCI edits do not include every possible code combination or every type of un-bundling combination. With that ...
March 26th, 2020 - Namas
Healthcare providers and the population at large are concerned about safe access to care considering the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, we have received many inquiries this week about how to bill for “telehealth” services. Let’s first address that true telehealth services have some pretty stringent requirements from CMS, including that ...
Vaccine Administration - When The Right Vaccine Code is Not Enough
September 30th, 2019 - Chris Woolstenhulme, QCC, CMCS, CPC, CMRS
Understanding how to apply immunization administration codes properly will support correct reimbursement for vaccinations. Reporting the right vaccine code alone is not enough to guarantee proper billing. The majority of the time, providers can charge for the vaccine/product as well as the administration of the vaccine; always consult your payer ...
Medical ID Theft
August 16th, 2019 - Namas
Medical ID Theft "So, do you guys think you can do something with that?" John asked angrily at our first meeting with him in August 2017 as he slammed a stack of medical bills, EOBs and collection letters - three inches high - down in front of my partner and I. ...
The OIG Work Plan: What Is It and Why Should I Care?
August 9th, 2019 - Namas
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) founded its Office of Inspector General (OIG) in 1976 and tasked it with the responsibility to combat waste, fraud, and abuse within Medicare, Medicaid, and the other HHS programs. With approximately 1,600 employees, HHS OIG is the largest inspector general's office within ...
5 Ways to Minimize HIPAA Liabilities
July 12th, 2019 - BC Advantage
Last year was historic for HIPAA enforcement. The HHS Office of Civil Rights collected a record $23.5 million in settlements and judgments against providers guilty of HIPAA violations. To avoid becoming part of that unwanted statistic, it’s important to pay extra close attention to five key areas of HIPAA vulnerability. Take ...
How to Properly Report Monitoring Patients Taking Blood-thinning Medications
June 18th, 2019 - Wyn Staheli, Director of Research
Codes 93792 and 93792, which were added effective January 1, 2019, have specific guidelines that need to be followed. This article provides some guidance and tips on properly reporting these services.
Coverage for Hearing Aids and Auditory Implants
April 23rd, 2019 - Brandon Dee Leavitt QCC, CMCS, CPC, EMT
For hearing impairment, Medicare is firm in its stance on when it will and will not cover hearing correction. In the PUB 100-02 Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 16, Medicare cites the Social Security Act by explaining:  "..."hearing aids or examination for the purpose of prescribing, fitting, or changing hearing aids" ...
Answers to Your Auditing & Compliance Questions
March 4th, 2019 - Namas
National Alliance of Medical Auditing Specialists (NAMAS) hosts a forum where auditing and compliance professionals can get answers to their questions, and exchange information with other professionals across the country. Recently, we've received the following question regarding fracture care that we'd like to share below. Q: I recently noticed CPT 26600, ...
Q/A Neonate Coding When Child is Transferred (2019/01/17)
January 28th, 2019 - Codapedia
Codapedia Forum - Questions & Answers Q/A: Neonatologist was at the birth of a very critical child, she billed 99468 and then it was decided to transfer the child to another facility, she also billed 99291 and 99292 x 3. Her time was denied, how should she have billed for the initial ...
Rhizotomy Procedures
September 26th, 2018 - BC Advantage
The terms “rhizotomy” and “Radiofrequency Ablation” (RFA) both mean “destruction of a nerve.” Another term for this is “neurolysis.” The CPT coding choices for a rhizotomy procedure reflect the methods chosen to destroy the nerve(s). Nerve Destruction choices include the following: Chemical Neurolytic Blocks - These require substances that are...

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