Hospital - Articles
Selecting the Principal Diagnosis Lies at the Heart of Inpatient CodingMarch 9th, 2022 - Gloryanne Bryant, RHIA, CDIP, CCS, CCDS, AHIMA-Approved ICD-10-CM/PCS Trainer
The heart of the principal diagnosis selection is pivotal to accuracy and compliance. Since February is known as “National Heart Month,” a discussion on the heart of inpatient coding is appropriate, that being the “principal diagnosis.” When learning inpatient coding, a large amount of time is spent on...
Critical Care Services Changes in the Medicare 2022 Final RuleFebruary 11th, 2022 - Raquel Shumway
Critical Care Services — Medicare's final ruling has been released. This article discusses the changes to critical care services, including bundled services, concurrent services, global surgery, time spent performing CCS services, and documentation requirements. It also lists the two new modifiers.
PCS Coding for Ankle Fracture - Look Deeper Into the Codes!May 25th, 2021 - Christine Woolstenhulme, QCC, QMCS, CPC, CMRS
If you're looking for ankle fractures in ICD-10-PCS, you may need to look a little deeper. Let's take a look at coding an ankle fracture such as a trimalleolar fracture. PCS coding can be confusing as it is nothing like CPT coding; with CPT we can simply code an ankle ...
UB-04 Claim FormMay 3rd, 2021 - Wyn Staheli, Director of Research
The UB-04 Claim Form, also known as CMS-1450, is used for submitting claims for reimbursement for specially designated facilities. The 837i is the electronic version of the form. Much like the 1500 Claim Form, maintained by the National Uniform Claim Committee, the UB-04 Claim Form is maintained by the National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) which maintains lists of approved codes used on various fields on the form (e.g., revenue codes, condition codes). Third-party payers, including Medicare, may have their own adaptations of the general instructions published by the NUBC.
Article categories
Accounts Receivable|Payments (19)
Acupuncture|Alternative (10)
Allergy|Immunology (10)
Anesthesia|Pain Management (26)
Audits/Auditing (126)
Behavioral Health|Psychiatry|Psychology (27)
Benchmarks (11)
Billing (221)
Bundling (6)
Cardiology|Vascular (27)
Chiropractic (93)
Claims (72)
Coding (274)
Collections (38)
Colonoscopy (3)
Compliance (128)
Covid-19 (30)
CPT® Coding (279)
Denials & Denial Management (48)
Dental (58)
Dermatology|Plastic Surgery (9)
Diagnosis Coding (147)
Diagnostic Testing (12)
DME|Supplies|Equipment (23)
Documentation Guidelines (120)
Drugs|Pharmaceuticals|FDA (23)
E-prescribing (4)
Acupuncture|Alternative (10)
Allergy|Immunology (10)
Anesthesia|Pain Management (26)
Audits/Auditing (126)
Behavioral Health|Psychiatry|Psychology (27)
Benchmarks (11)
Billing (221)
Bundling (6)
Cardiology|Vascular (27)
Chiropractic (93)
Claims (72)
Coding (274)
Collections (38)
Colonoscopy (3)
Compliance (128)
Covid-19 (30)
CPT® Coding (279)
Denials & Denial Management (48)
Dental (58)
Dermatology|Plastic Surgery (9)
Diagnosis Coding (147)
Diagnostic Testing (12)
DME|Supplies|Equipment (23)
Documentation Guidelines (120)
Drugs|Pharmaceuticals|FDA (23)
E-prescribing (4)
Electronic Medical Records (EMR/EHR) (22)
Emergency Medicine (17)
Endocrinology (11)
Enrollment (5)
ENT|Otolaryngology (10)
Evaluation & Management (E/M) (149)
Gastroenterology (13)
HCPCS Coding (111)
Home Health|Hospice (28)
Hospital (4)
ICD-10-PCS (1)
Insurance (34)
Internal Medicine (10)
Interventional Radiology (7)
Laboratory|Pathology (19)
Medicaid (14)
Medical Records (10)
Medicare (226)
Medicare Advantage (16)
Medicare Claims Processing Manual (5)
Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFSDB) (22)
Modifiers (135)
National Coverage Determinations (NCD) (8)
Neurology|Neurosurgery (22)
Obstetrics|Gynecology (19)
Emergency Medicine (17)
Endocrinology (11)
Enrollment (5)
ENT|Otolaryngology (10)
Evaluation & Management (E/M) (149)
Gastroenterology (13)
HCPCS Coding (111)
Home Health|Hospice (28)
Hospital (4)
ICD-10-PCS (1)
Insurance (34)
Internal Medicine (10)
Interventional Radiology (7)
Laboratory|Pathology (19)
Medicaid (14)
Medical Records (10)
Medicare (226)
Medicare Advantage (16)
Medicare Claims Processing Manual (5)
Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFSDB) (22)
Modifiers (135)
National Coverage Determinations (NCD) (8)
Neurology|Neurosurgery (22)
Obstetrics|Gynecology (19)
Office of Inspector General (OIG) (24)
Oncology|Hematology (14)
Ophthalmology (12)
Optometry (12)
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (30)
Orthopedics (12)
Pediatrics (13)
Physical Medicine|Physical Therapy (58)
Physicians (13)
Podiatry (17)
Practice Management (117)
Preventive Medicine Service (64)
Primary Care|Family Care (60)
Pulmonology (12)
Radiology (11)
Reimbursement (56)
Relative Value Units (RVUs/RBRVS) (9)
Rheumatology (7)
Risk Adjustment (9)
Screening (5)
Skilled Nursing (20)
Specialty Coding (30)
Surgical Billing & Coding (49)
Teaching Physician Rules (4)
Transitional Care Management (TCM) (2)
Urology|Nephrology (9)
Wound Care (1)
Oncology|Hematology (14)
Ophthalmology (12)
Optometry (12)
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (30)
Orthopedics (12)
Pediatrics (13)
Physical Medicine|Physical Therapy (58)
Physicians (13)
Podiatry (17)
Practice Management (117)
Preventive Medicine Service (64)
Primary Care|Family Care (60)
Pulmonology (12)
Radiology (11)
Reimbursement (56)
Relative Value Units (RVUs/RBRVS) (9)
Rheumatology (7)
Risk Adjustment (9)
Screening (5)
Skilled Nursing (20)
Specialty Coding (30)
Surgical Billing & Coding (49)
Teaching Physician Rules (4)
Transitional Care Management (TCM) (2)
Urology|Nephrology (9)
Wound Care (1)