Teaching Physician Rules - Articles
Teaching Physician Rules Primary Care ExceptionNovember 24th, 2009 - Codapedia Editor
CMS has developed a specific set of rules for academic settings. These rules allow a teaching or attending phyisician to bill for services provided jointly by themselves and residents in approved Graduate Medical Education (GME) programs. Different services (endoscopy, E/M, major surgery) have...
Teaching physician rules and endoscopyMarch 25th, 2009 - Codapedia Editor
The teaching physician rules define how to bill for services provided jointly by an attending physician and a resident in an accredited Graduate Medical Education (GME) program. Each type of service has a different set of rules that define the level of the the attending physician's participation...
Teaching Physician Rules and Minor Surgical ProceduresFebruary 9th, 2009 - Codapedia Editor
When a resident performs a minor surgical procedure, the attending physician must be present for the entire procedure, in order to bill for the service under the attending physician's provider number.
Minor surgical procedures performed by medical students are never billable to Medicare or any...
Article categories
Accounts Receivable|Payments (19)
Acupuncture|Alternative (10)
Allergy|Immunology (10)
Anesthesia|Pain Management (26)
Audits/Auditing (126)
Behavioral Health|Psychiatry|Psychology (27)
Benchmarks (11)
Billing (221)
Bundling (6)
Cardiology|Vascular (27)
Chiropractic (93)
Claims (72)
Coding (274)
Collections (38)
Colonoscopy (3)
Compliance (128)
Covid-19 (30)
CPT® Coding (279)
Denials & Denial Management (48)
Dental (58)
Dermatology|Plastic Surgery (9)
Diagnosis Coding (147)
Diagnostic Testing (12)
DME|Supplies|Equipment (23)
Documentation Guidelines (120)
Drugs|Pharmaceuticals|FDA (23)
E-prescribing (4)
Acupuncture|Alternative (10)
Allergy|Immunology (10)
Anesthesia|Pain Management (26)
Audits/Auditing (126)
Behavioral Health|Psychiatry|Psychology (27)
Benchmarks (11)
Billing (221)
Bundling (6)
Cardiology|Vascular (27)
Chiropractic (93)
Claims (72)
Coding (274)
Collections (38)
Colonoscopy (3)
Compliance (128)
Covid-19 (30)
CPT® Coding (279)
Denials & Denial Management (48)
Dental (58)
Dermatology|Plastic Surgery (9)
Diagnosis Coding (147)
Diagnostic Testing (12)
DME|Supplies|Equipment (23)
Documentation Guidelines (120)
Drugs|Pharmaceuticals|FDA (23)
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Medicare (226)
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Medicare Claims Processing Manual (5)
Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFSDB) (22)
Modifiers (135)
National Coverage Determinations (NCD) (8)
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Obstetrics|Gynecology (19)
Emergency Medicine (17)
Endocrinology (11)
Enrollment (5)
ENT|Otolaryngology (10)
Evaluation & Management (E/M) (149)
Gastroenterology (13)
HCPCS Coding (111)
Home Health|Hospice (28)
Hospital (4)
ICD-10-PCS (1)
Insurance (34)
Internal Medicine (10)
Interventional Radiology (7)
Laboratory|Pathology (19)
Medicaid (14)
Medical Records (10)
Medicare (226)
Medicare Advantage (16)
Medicare Claims Processing Manual (5)
Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFSDB) (22)
Modifiers (135)
National Coverage Determinations (NCD) (8)
Neurology|Neurosurgery (22)
Obstetrics|Gynecology (19)
Office of Inspector General (OIG) (24)
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Physicians (13)
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Radiology (11)
Reimbursement (56)
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Rheumatology (7)
Risk Adjustment (9)
Screening (5)
Skilled Nursing (20)
Specialty Coding (30)
Surgical Billing & Coding (49)
Teaching Physician Rules (4)
Transitional Care Management (TCM) (2)
Urology|Nephrology (9)
Wound Care (1)
Oncology|Hematology (14)
Ophthalmology (12)
Optometry (12)
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (30)
Orthopedics (12)
Pediatrics (13)
Physical Medicine|Physical Therapy (58)
Physicians (13)
Podiatry (17)
Practice Management (117)
Preventive Medicine Service (64)
Primary Care|Family Care (60)
Pulmonology (12)
Radiology (11)
Reimbursement (56)
Relative Value Units (RVUs/RBRVS) (9)
Rheumatology (7)
Risk Adjustment (9)
Screening (5)
Skilled Nursing (20)
Specialty Coding (30)
Surgical Billing & Coding (49)
Teaching Physician Rules (4)
Transitional Care Management (TCM) (2)
Urology|Nephrology (9)
Wound Care (1)