Changes in Dental codes for 2017

September 27th, 2016 - Christine Taxin
Categories:   Dental  

Below is a list of changes in Dental Codes for 2017, please do not use these codes until January of 2017.  Also, understand how to use and remember document, document why you are using any code.





D0414 Laboratory Processing of microbial specimen to include culture and sensitivity studies, preparation and transmission of written report.

D0600 Non ionizing diagnostic procedure capable of quantifying, monitoring, and recording changes in structure and enamel, dentin, and cementum.


D0290 Posterior-anterior or lateral skull and facial bone survey radiographic image.



D1510 Excluded a distal shoe space maintainer.


D1575 Fabrication and delivery of fixed appliance extending subgingivally and distally to guide the eruption of the first permanent molar. Does not include ongoing follow up or adjustments or replacement appliances, once the tooth has erupted.









D4346 The removal of plaque, calculus and stains from supra- and sub-gingival tooth surfaces when their is generalized moderate or severe gingival inflammation in the absence of periodontitis. It is indicated for patients who have swollen, inflamed gingival, generalized suprabony pockets, in moderate to severe bleeding on probing. Should not be reported in conjunction with prophylaxis, scaling and root planing, or debridement procedures.


D4263 The Procedure involves the use of graphs to stimulate periodontal regeneration when the disease process has lead to a deformity of the bone. This procedure does not include flat entry and closure, wound debridement, osseous contouring, or the placement of biologic materials to aid in osseous tissue regeneration or barrier membranes. other separate procedures delivered concurrently are documented with their own codes. not to be reported for an edentulous space or and extraction site.

D4264 This Procedure involves the use of graphs to stimulate periodontal regeneration when the disease process has lead to a deformity of the bone. This procedure does not include flat entry and closure, wound debridement, osseous contouring, or the placement of biologic materials to aid in osseous tissue regeneration or barrier membranes. other separate procedures delivered concurrently are documented with their own codes. not to be reported for an edentulous space or and extraction site.

D4274 This procedure is performed in an edentulous area adjacent to the tooth, allowing removal of the tissue wedge to gain access for debridement, permit close flap adaptation, and reduce pocket depths.







D6081 This procedure is not performed in conjunction with D1110 or D4910.

D6085 Use when a period of healing is necessary prior to fabrication and placement of permanent prosthetic.





D7140 Includes removal of tooth structure, minor smoothing of socket bone, and closure: as necessary.

D7210 Includes related cutting of gingiva and bone, removal of tooth structure, minor smoothing of socket bone and closure.

D7250 Includes cutting of soft tissue and bone, removal of tooth structure, and closure.

D7280 An incision is made and the tissue is reflected and bone removed as necessary to expose the crown of an impacted tooth not intended to be extracted.

D7292 Placement of temporary anchorage device [screw retained plate] required flap: included device removal.

D7293 Placement of temporary anchorage device includes device removal

D7294 Placement of temporary anchorage device without flap includes device removal

D7310 The Alveoloplasty is distinct from extraction. usually in preparation for prosthesis or other treatments such as radiation therapy and transplant surgery.

D7485 Reduction of osseous tuberosity.

D7610 Teeth may be wired, banded or splinted together to prevent movement. incision required for intraosseous fixation.

D7630 Teeth may be wired, banded or splinted together to prevent movement. incision required to reduce fracture.

D7710 Incision required to reduce fracture

D7730 Incision required to reduce fracture

D7750 Incision required to reduce fracture

D7770 Fractured bones are exposed to mouth or outside the face. Incision required to reduce fracture

D7780 Incision required to reduce fracture. facial bones include upper and lower jaw, cheek, and bones around eyes, nose and ears.

D7840 Removal of all or portion of the mandibular condyle (separate procedure)

D7873 Removal of adhesions using the arthroscopic and leverage of joint cavities.

D7874 Repositioning and stabilization of disk using arthroscopic techniques.

D7875 Removal of disk and remodeled posterior attachment via the arthroscope.

D7877 Removal of pathologic hard and, or soft tissue using the arthroscope.

D7945 Sectioning of lower jaw. this includes bones cut, fixation, routine wound closure and normal postoperative follow up care.

D7946 Sectioning of the upper jaw. this includes exposure, bone cuts, downfracture, repositioning, fixation, routine wound closure and normal postoperative follow up care.

D7948 Sectioning of upper jaw. this includes exposure, bone cuts, down fracture, segmentation of maxilla, repositioning, fixation, routine wound closure and normal postoperative follow up care.

D7960 Removal or release of mucosal and muscle elements of a buccal labial or lingual frenum that is associated with a pathological condition, or interferes with proper oral development and treatment.

D7971 Removal of inflammatory or hypertrophied tissues surrounding partially erupted/ impacted teeth.

D7982 Procedure for repair of a defect and/or restoration of a portion of a salivary gland duct.

D7983 Closure of an opening between a salivary duct and/or gland and the cutaneous service, or an opening into the oral cavity through other then normal anatomic pathway.

D7990 Formation of a tracheal opening usually below the cricoid cartilage to allow for respiratory exchange.

D7991 Removal of the coronoid process of the mandible.





 D9311 Treating dentist consults with a medical health care concerning medical issues that may affect patient's plan dental treatment.

 D9991 Individualized efforts to assist a patient to maintain scheduled appointments by solving transportation challenges or other barriers.

 D9992 Assisting in a patient's decision regarding the coordination of oral healthcare services across multiple providers, provider types, specialty areas of treatment, healthcare settings, healthcare organizations and payment systems. this is the additional time and resources expanded to provide experience or expertise beyond that possessed by the patient.

 D9993 Patient centered, personalized counseling using methods such as motivational interviewing to identify and modify behaviors interfering with positive oral health outcomes. this is a separate service from traditional nutritional or tobacco counseling

 D9994 Individual, customized communication of information to assist the patient in making appropriate health decisions designed to improve oral health literacy, explained in a manner acknowledging economic circumstances and different cultural beliefs, values, attitudes, traditions and language preferences, and adopting information and services to these differences, which requires the expenditure of time and resources beyond that of an oral evaluation or case presentation.


D9630 includes, but is not limited to oral antibiotics, oral analgesics, and topical fluoride: does not include writing prescriptions.


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